Any LCRIG Member is able to access this framework to make use of any one or more of the appointed contractors. There are no fees associated with using the framework – you just simply pay the contractor(s) for the work undertaken. The steps involved in assisting an LCRIG Member to decide whether or not to use an appointed supplier from the framework are as follows;
- Identify a potential work package
- Invite one or more of the suppliers to offer up outline solutions
- Decide whether to go to a direct award for a single contractor (or combined proposal from multiple suppliers) or alternatively to seek prices via a secondary competition. This decision is entirely yours and will be influenced by skills, capacity and past performance. Either way the process is simple to follow and based on a VFM approach.
- Appoint the contractor(s)
- Manage the works
- Monitor performance via the framework KPIs and share the outputs with Blackpool’s Framework Manager
Your contractual arrangement – the Client under the framework contract is Blackpool Council. The Client has entered into a framework contract with each supplier on the basis of the NEC4 Framework Contract (June 2017).

When work within the framework scope is required, the Client uses the selection procedure to decide if a Supplier is to be considered for the work and instructs the Supplier to submit a quotation in accordance with the quotation procedure. If the quotation is accepted, the Client issues a Work Order to the Supplier on the basis of the NEC4 engineering and construction short contract (June 2017).

A council wishing to use the framework simply fulfils the role of Blackpool Council in the diagram above and thus enters into the NEC4 short contract directly with the chosen supplier. To do so you must complete the Contract Data as follows;
- PART 1 – DATA PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT. The Data which will apply to all work under the Framework Contract is – this remains unchanged as the Framework Contract is between Blackpool and the suppliers.
- The Data which will apply to all Work Orders is – contract data – you will complete this section of the form as it contains details of the agreement between you and the supplier for each Works Order in respect of delays etc
- PART 2 – completed by the selected supplier(s) and signed by both parties. This completes your contractual arrangement
Tracking use of the Framework
In order to comply with the Procurement Regulations Blackpool Council must track the use of the appointed contractors to ensure OJEU thresholds are not being exceeded. It is therefore a requirement for any client that wishes to use this framework to complete the following Access Agreement;
We intend to utilise the Small Pavements framework to support delivery of our services.
We have complied with the requirements of the framework and will be looking to award individual works orders no greater than £150,000. Should it be your intention to issue more than one works order please indicate the likely total value.
Within 4 weeks of completion of the works we commit to provide Blackpool Council with the following information;
- Final outturn value of the works
- A brief review of the level of your satisfaction with the appointed supplier(s)